Sunday, January 17, 2016

Low Light Plant Guide for the Winter Home

During these shorter days of winter there is nothing better than to have a few houseplants around to remind us that summer and warmer temperatures are indeed just around the corner. Here's a little info to help you choose the right plants for your home.

Houseplants serve multiple purposes, not only do they hold us over until we can get outside and enjoy the lush green of our backyards once again, but they also help to de-toxify the air.

House plants are the ultimate in functional decorating. Some well-placed greenery can not only brighten a space, but also purify the air -- and they're also helpful in creating a more relaxing, restful ambiance in any room.
Top 10 most beautiful houseplants that are easy to take care of and effective at increasing oxygen and clearing out toxins for cleaner breathing air:
1. Aloe Plant
2. Ivy
3. Rubber Tree
4. Peace Lily
5. Mother-in-law tongue (Snake Plant)
6. Bamboo Palm
7. Philodendron
8. Spider Plant
9. Red-Edged Dracaena
10. Golden Pothos

Now if taking care of houseplants has never been your "thing" maybe you just haven't found the ones that can practically survive in a closet. I have several friends (I won't name any names) that have trouble with houseplants because their homes are quite dark. If this is also your issue, then here are a few plants that can survive a darker room and still offer you the benefits mentioned above:

1. Ferns
2. Mother-in-Law tongue (sansevaria)
3. Rex begonia
4. Pothos
5. ZZ plant (zamioculous Zamiifolia) 

A few words of Garden Shop wisdom...there is no such thing as having a "Black Thumb"!  You just haven't found the plants that will work in your environment yet. So stop in to The Secret Garden and we'll help you find the one that will work for you!

Jennifer, The Secret Garden

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